I would like to add my support for Mary Monttein Alonso. She has attended several of my classes and I have had contact with her on a professional basis as well. Her excitement and knowledge on the subject of spirituality coupled with her incredible charm and charisma makes her a delight as a facilitator. She always stood out in my classes even when I had over 200 people attending.
Garland Landrith Ph.D
Mary Monttien, I just wanted to drop you a note thanking you on some many levels. Over the past month it has meant so much to me that you have listened to the challenges I am faced with both spiritually and personally and interjecting your words and wisdom to help me find a path to peace. Especially, great thankfulness for the session we held in Phoenix last week. Never in my life have I experienced an unleashed freedom I felt during and after that event. Obviously this is work in progress, but I now firmly believe that there is a better place for me while still on this earth. Looking ahead to peace in life. If individuals are willing to prepare their hearts and minds to your grace and powers, I encourage them to expose themselves to the hopefulness I feel today. Thank you again and life will come to me with ease, joy and glory.
Greg N. Tempe Az.
Dear Mary Monttein! I wanted to write you this note to let you know how much you helped me find synergy again! The work you did with me came at a very stressful time with major work projects along with a remodeling project going on in my home. Thank you for helping me feel normal again! I felt so comfortable working with you. You were the calming source I needed Mary Monttein! You truly are a stress reducer!
Blessings to you, Cathrine Hatcher
Mary Monttein has done several energetic healing treatments on me. She is an amazing Pranic healer! I could feel the shifts taking place in my body during each treatment. I would leave feeling peaceful, lighter, and more connected. Not only does she have many gifts in the healing arena, but her warm smile and gentle touch just adds that much more to the healing session. I can always count on feeling like a million dollars after a session with her!
C. Marquis L.Ac
Mary Monttein is gifted in the healing arts and an inspiration in her business dealings. I admire her ability to overcome challenges and meet each day with extreme passion and dedication. She has an amazing gift of exquisite articulation in a vast array of subjects. She seems to pull from an endless source of knowledge and speak in an endearing way no matter the situation.
Shelia Norling Boulder, CO
Monttein is the go to person for business and personal challenges. Her energy coupled with her broad knowledge on various subjects makes her the quintessential life coach and healing partner.
Dennis Cail ————–
This letter is in reference to Monttein Alonso and her abilities in astrological readings. Ms. Alonso has done an astrological reading for me on my birthday for the past 3 years. Monttein has the knowledge and ability to interpret a tremendous amount of scientific and “non” scientific information to come up with a clear, concise and uncanny accurate readings. She has taken numerous classes and studies many hours a week in order to master her readings.
Her Information has allowed me to create business plans knowing I have a higher degree of success. I have heard on numerous occasions from people that I have formed business partnerships with that the timing was perfect. The person will either say “We were just talking about this…“ or “We are looking for this kind of venture…“
Everyone is born with certain gifts. Being born with something and taking the time to get better at it are worlds apart. Monttein will add positive energy and knowledge in whatever she chooses or group she becomes part of.
Randy P. Carsch DVM
Mary Monttein Alonso was instrumental in my ability to finalize a divorce proceeding that had lasted almost two years. She successfully guided me to a strategy, through astrology, motivational support, spirituality and life coaching. After a brief delay, that was advised by Mary Monttein (to wait for a more favorable planetary alignment), the stagnating negotiations were quickly concluded in my favor. I have and will continue to recommend Mary Monttein to family, friends and business associates.
W. Andrew Long, Sr.
My right arm/shoulder was immediately improved and feeling much better. My range of movement dramaticlly increase with significantly less pain.
JH Dallas, TX
I slept with less pain. I could sit in a butterfly position, which I haven’t been able to do for months. And, less mystically and beautifully: I could reach my feet to clip my nails! I don’t cry tears, so you probably don’t know this, but I cried during the first clearing.
DB Dallas, TX ————–
Monttein, first let me say that prior to our first session, I was unsure about what it was you were going to do and perhaps a bit skeptical about anyone helping me. As you are aware, I have been going through a lot due to the impact of three successive heart attacks which left me feeling mentally, emotionally and physically drained. After the session, all I could say is “WOW!”. I don’t know how you did what you did, but it transformed my mind and body dramatically. When I went home after the session, I knew something had changed inside but I couldn’t put it into words. By that evening, I was feeling happy and positive. By the following day, I was feeling better than I had felt in months. I cannot wait until I am able to experience another session with you. Monttein, I would recommend you to ANYONE and EVERYONE! Anonymous
Mary’s focus and attention really had a positive impact on me through the Bars process. My job can be very stressful at times, and this process has helped to reduce my stress. I find that things just seem “easier” in general for me after having my Bars run. I was skeptical, but trusted in Mary and what she was offering. I highly recommend this process, especially for the skeptical folks.
Stress Less in Texas
It felt like you gave me a shower on the inside. I can do things now I couldn’t do before.
5th grader, Rose Mary Haggar Elementary
Have to admit I was skeptical. I was in the pits at 7 1/2 to an 8 on a good day. I still don’t know how you did it, but I feel really great! I am even eating differently, not to fill an emptiness.
SDM business owner Dallas, TX ————–
The ankle & heal pain went from 7 to 3 by the end of the session. The following day when it normally would have been unbearable was only .5. Despite my husband’s skepticism I was also notably much calmer with no irritation at things that would have surely set me off before.
DCM Austin, TX
It has been several months since our session. All my life I had nightmares of drowning. I have not had one since our consultation.
RC DVM Plano, TX
Blissful! What started with tension and neck pain & mental noise, heaped with skepticism transformed into ease in the neck muscles and feelings of bliss.
PL Entrepreneur Plano, TX
Thank you for the trust and teaching me the joy that all this world has to offer. You have inspired me, in this short period of time to be a better man.
SB Pres. Dallas, TX
You truly are a stress relief expert!
CH Speaker Dallas, TX
It was like something was exorcised and everything is different now.

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